Category: Uncategorized

  • 4th Leadership and Management Perspectives in Higher Education (LAMP) Summit on March 29 – 30, 2023 Register Now! Theme: “One Size Fits All?? Education Trajectories, Transitions and Transformations.” PACU’s LAMP Summit is designed as a space for higher education leaders, academicians, and learning practitioners to come together to surface challenges, connections, and strategic collaborations among…

  • 4th Leadership and Management Perspectives in Higher Education (LAMP) Summit

    4th Leadership and Management Perspectives in Higher Education (LAMP) Summit on March 29 – 30, 2023  Register Now! Theme: “One Size Fits All?? Education Trajectories, Transitions and Transformations.” PACU’s LAMP Summit is designed as a space for higher education leaders, academicians, and learning practitioners to come together to surface challenges, connections, and strategic collaborations among…

  • SHS Voucher Program

    Dear PACU Member Schools: The Private Education Assistance Committee (PEAC) is pleased to inform you that the Online Voucher Application Portal (OVAP) will be open ‪from May 26 to June 2, 2019 to accept applications from incoming Grade 11 students (non-ESC students from Private Schools) in SY 2019-2020.Manual Applications must be received on or before May 31, 2019. Grade 10 completers from public schools, LUCs and SUCs, as…

  • PACU Benchmark ReachOut Program

    The PACU Quality Assurance and Accreditation Committee would like to invite your school to participate in the PACU Benchmark/ReachOut Program where your school may VISIT a PACU member school with a Deregulated or Autonomous Status for benchmarking on their quality assurance policies and practices. The visit may also be your institution’s opportunity to start collaborative…

  • G11 & G12: Content and Pedagogical Approaches

    G11 & G12: Content and Pedagogical Approaches

    Academic Management Seminar Series The first seminar for AY 2016-2017 entitled “Teaching Grades 11 and 12: Content and Pedagogical Approaches” was an offshoot of the passage of RA No. 10533 that created the two additional years of Senior High School to the Basic Education Program. One hundred sixty-six school administrators, Vice-Presidents for Academics, as well…

  • Seminar on ISO and  ISA, Part II

    Seminar on ISO and ISA, Part II

    Accreditation Seminar The Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities (PACU) geared up for the ASEAN integration. With accreditation playing an important role in education, PACU decided to replicate the Seminar on ISO and ISA for the Mindanao member institutions. It was held at the University of Mindanao on March 17, 2017. Twenty-nine participants from the…

  • Teaching Strategies and Industry Collaborations

    Teaching Strategies and Industry Collaborations

    Academic Management Seminar The culminating seminar for AY 2016-2017 is entitled, “Team Teaching Strategies and Industry Collaborations.” It focused on team teaching with industry partners; senior high school, industry linkages and funding; DOLE regulations, industry partnership and managing senior high school; business analytics and academe linkages and industry-academe collaboration. Eighty-four participants attended the said seminar…

  • Collaboration with Legislators

    Collaboration with Legislators

    PACU lobbied very actively, touching base with legislators from both Houses of Congress regarding the concerns of private HEIs, especially on the Bill that will enhance universal access to tertiary education by providing free tuition and other school fees in SUCs, state-run TechVoc schools, local universities and colleges and the strengthening of CHED’s UniFast program.…

  • PACU’s 85th Founding Anniversary

    PACU’s 85th Founding Anniversary

    The Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities (PACU) will be celebrating it’s  85th Founding Anniversary on August 18,2017 at Conrad Hotel, Pasay City   Registration Fee: P 5,000.00   Please contact the Secretariat for more details.