SHS Voucher Program

Dear PACU Member Schools:

The Private Education Assistance Committee (PEAC) is pleased to inform you that the Online Voucher Application Portal (OVAP) will be open ‪from May 26 to June 2, 2019 to accept applications from incoming Grade 11 students (non-ESC students from Private Schools) in SY 2019-2020.Manual Applications must be received on or before May 31, 2019.

Grade 10 completers from public schools, LUCs and SUCs, as well as Grade 10 completers from private schools who are Education Service Contracting (ESC) program grantees, are automatically eligible for the SHS VP and do not need to apply.

For online applications, submit the filled out form and scanned copy of the complete documents to the Online Voucher Application Portal (OVAP) on or before June 2. OVAP accounts may be created until May 31 only.

Online Application Procedures:

1. Access the Online Voucher Application Portal (OVAP) at and follow the instructions to create an account. A valid and working email address is needed to create an account. Wait for the confirmation email to be sent to the submitted email address.
2. Upon receipt of the confirmation email, click on the link provided to access the OVAP as a registered user.
3. Complete the electronic Voucher Application Form (VAF-1)
4. Scan or take a picture and upload the following:

Recent 2×2 colored ID photo
Parent Consent Form
Certification of financial assistance received (issued by the school), if applicable
Proof of financial means of the parents, guardian, or the person who is helping send the student to school as shown in the table below:


*The certificate of employment should state the person’s occupation and gross monthly income. For employees, gross monthly income refers to the gross monthly wages or salaries before taxes and other deductions. It includes basic pay, overtime pay, commissions, tips, allowances and one-twelfth of annual bonuses. For all others, it refers to the average monthly earnings from their business, trade, profession, investments and/or pensions.
5. Submit the application when the VAF-1 and the required documents are complete. OVAP automatically confirms receipt of application.For manual applications, mail or personally submit the filled out Voucher Application Form (VAF-1) and complete requirements to the PEAC National Secretariat, 5th Floor Salamin Building, 197 Salcedo Street, Makati City 1229 on or before May 31, 2019.

For inquiries, please call the PEAC National Secretariat at ‪(02) 840-6000‬ local 130-132 and ‪840-6007‬ or send an email to ‪‬. ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

Please note 

  1. There are TWO DEADLINES. Manual application: May 31, 2019 Online application via portalJune 2, 2019
  2. OVAP accounts may be created until May 31 only.  

Download the attached resources:

  1. Template – Parent Consent Form
  2. Template – Municipal Certification of Unemployment
  3. Template – Affidavit of Unemployment
  4. [DO] Annex 1 Voucher Applicant Form (VAF-1)
  5. [DO] Annex 2 Privacy Notice
  6.  DO-Guidelines-on-the-Application-for-the-SHS-VP
  7.  DO-Annex-3-Certificate-of-Financial-Assistance.



